Alpine Lake started in the late 1960s as "Mountaintop Vacationland," a development spearheaded by Terra Alta and Preston County business leaders.  From the early 1930's, the property itself had been a hunting and fishing club owned by Arlie Hull.  At that time, the lake (Hull's Lake) consisted of 65 acres.

Mountaintop Vacationland was purchased in 1971 by Morgantown industrialist J.W. Ruby.  It was under his direction that the development was renamed Alpine Lake, greatly expanded, and the complete plan for a residential community drawn up.  After Ruby's death, Alpine Lake was turned over to the property owners; the Alpine Lake Property Owners Association now manages all aspect of the community.  Alpine Lake encompasses almost 2,000 acres of wooded land and thirty- five miles of paved roads providing easy access to nearly all its 2,300 lots and amenities.

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